Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Budget Cuts

To bring folks up to speed on what has happened with the DeKalb County School System over the past couple of months . . . due to the economy, there is now an $88M budget shortfall for the school system. They are obligated by law to balance the budget each year, so the School Board must cut the budget somewhere.

In January, they proposed to cancel the Montessori program at all three schools in the county. Due to the tireless work by parents at Huntley Hills and Midway as well as Briar Vista, they are now seeking only cuts in the Montessori program.

We need to keep the pressure on so that the Board and the School System realize how important keeping some form of Montessori at Briar Vista is to us.

1 comment:

  1. Dear all,

    The actual budget deficit is now at $115 million. Most of the BOE members are supporting budge Plan G.

    In the last meeting, all but Mr. Walker were in favor of accepting the blended Montessori Program Proposal from BVS, no final decision was made.
