Monday, March 29, 2010

New Short List Map

The new short list map on the DCS web page has been altered to show a change in our high school district "cluster". There is now a new "Druid Hills/Lakeside" attendance cluster. This did not exist yesterday. There is also a new "Columbia/McNair" cluster. Clearly this is concerning as it indicates that more attention has been given to the schools targeted for closing in our area. Have sent a message to the Board and the CTF letting them know we know.


  1. Matt, i am pretty sure that some kids that go to sagamore end up at druid hills -- unless i am mistaken, I thought that was how that elementary school always worked. this picture tells the story for me. Where will we send the children? Fernbank Sagamore are full.

  2. No controvery,

    Not sure how the school zoning works but I find it disturbing that the map outlines of the receiving high schools has changed. If nothing else it implies that there focus being given to our cluster and that the CTF is digging deaper into the ramifications of closing the school.
